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Beige Net Curtains ?

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mikey4444 | 10:17 Thu 02nd Feb 2017 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
Just what is the point of beige nets ?

Why would you want anyone to think you either haven't washed them and/or you are a heavy smoker ?



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If it doesn't stop the colour running Tills, it goes well with a fish and chips supper in bed. (^_*)
Togo, noooooo!
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cosy !
Lovely Mikey, masculine and modern.
Who still has nets these days?
Voiles are the new nets, depends whether you are overlooked or not, and how you choose to shimmy around your home ;-)
Makes one wonder how those who like to see what's going off in their community, now manage when there are no nets to 'twitch'?
Oh you don't need black sheets for that. If you aren't getting lucky then bedding will last between bank hols easily !
I 'still' have nets aog, I prefer them to blinds.
I hate net curtains, and beige ones sound even worse.
I have vertical blinds that you can angle to stop people seeing in, but still let light in.
Who cares what anybody thinks Mikey ? You do your house up as you like.
Black sheets with your Yorkshire Deerhound, is that a good idea?

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