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gness | 20:13 Sat 04th Feb 2017 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
....was quite difficult tonight.....(or whenever you watched)...think it was on yesterday....

Still my favourite quiz though......and not for the same reason as Melv......x


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You could be right there, Zacs......that's a shame though....just being herself....and she is clever......was enough.....x
Yeah..and there are too many "Nerdy"questions creeping in lately!

Who knows,or cares about "Game of Thrones,Hobbits,or Bloody Harry Potter". Pffffff!
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Mmmm......don't agree, K....when I can't answer it's lovely just watching clever people working out the answers.....some brilliant and interesting minds out there......x
I thought it was horrendous, though there was one row on the board I was yelling at the screen from the start, the promontories. Still don't know where Hunstanton fitted!
Lady..with Windermere, Chiltern & Bracknell...Oscar Wilde
Thanks for that, I don't know that play at all, had to google it, all I could think of for Hunstanton was 'cliffs'!

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