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On Behalf Of Woodelf . ..

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Buenchico | 18:24 Sun 05th Feb 2017 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Woodelf has been struggling to get to grips with the new AB site, as it's definitely not 'screen reader friendly'. After emailing me for some help, he's now managed to start posting questions on AB (with some difficulty) but he's still finding it difficult to reply to any answers which he may receive. So he's asked me to apologise, on his behalf, if he appears to be ignoring replies to his questions. He is reading your answers and he thanks you for them.


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Fingers crossed, then!
Difficult to know how to help in this instance, thanks for passing this on Chris.
Most of us have a gripe with some aspect of it, Buenchico, not that anyone in power will take any notice
Perhaps there should be a weekend ed...
I have currently zoomed to 67% to get all the Latest Posts in view but am finding it very sore on my eyes
Woodelf I so hope the site becomes better for you,
I do hope Terry can persuade his technology to come to terms with the new layout - he's a lovely chap and I'd miss him if he is no longer able to post.

I hope you can manage it Woodelf.
Thanks for this Chris, he's a great AB'er & I hope he's able to get to grips with the format soon.
Is the problem mainly with the new format of the site or is the reader not doing whatever a reader does to a screen?

Maybe the ABed will be able to help.

Woodelf - whatever you do please don't abandon us. (Big Scottish smile) x
Cheers Chris. Any info on how you think we could help would be much appreciated. I think you have our email address!

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On Behalf Of Woodelf . ..

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