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State Banquet Preparations ?

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EDDIE51 | 12:48 Mon 06th Feb 2017 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
With the controversy over the possible State Visit by Donald Trump, I was moved to look at the preparations for the State Banquet that is part of such an event.


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// Eddie....perhaps they will have to provide Trump with a set of children's cutlery, to suit his tiny hands ?//

no I think there will be little flags on the cutlery marked
'knife' 'fork' and 'spoon' for the First Lady
she dudnt speak English good
Americans tend to cut all their food up first, holding their fork like a dagger. They then transfer the fork to their right hands, put their left elbows on the table, and eat.

They have been known to leave their baseball caps on throughout dinner !

Do we really want to subject poor Betty to that frightful standard of table manners ?

Purleeeeze !
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Don't worry, mikey 'Phil The Greek' will have a word with him!
Eddie....I have a feeling I know at least one of those words !

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State Banquet Preparations ?

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