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NoMercy | 06:47 Wed 08th Feb 2017 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
That was 4 and a half years old.

Must have been in related threads. I couldn't understand why it wasn't in latest posts.

I blame the new layout.


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I did it a few times myself with the old layout, so it's nothing new!
Same here.
I don't think threads appear in Latest Posts unless they are less than a month old, though I may be wrong.

You can't blame this one on the new layout.

Personally I blame Bono.
I've done it too in the old layout.
Yes you are correct Hopkirk, as in the 'see how far this goes' threads stop appearing in recent posts each month and Cupid starts a new one.

Nom, I have done the same thing on occasion not noticing that the post was donkey years old.
They do however appear in the recently answered lists.

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