Pretty easy this month but I'm stuck in the top right corner on the last two which must be pairs as I have fifteen pairs and these are the other two ,there being 17 pairs in total..
4D Risk retaining small footballer (5) Grid entry is ??R?T
1a Warmonger has always warned Korean leaders (7) Must be Hawkeye but I can't think what that would be paired with and my grid entry is now H?N?S??
Thanks all.
I've gone with handsaw and worst too. Best and worst
The N in handsaw being the crosser down for Newman and Baddiel (Villain ,baddie) and L ( learner)
It must be HAWK and HANDSAW (Shakespearean, probably originally 'hawk and harnser' - the latter an old word, still in use in E Anglian dialect, for heron). So the Baddiel/Newman solution is correct.