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Body and soul

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hammerman | 08:25 Sun 18th Jun 2006 | Site Suggestions
28 Answers

Ed....can you please please please re-introduce the chatter bank so that some of the tedious clowns in Body and Soul can have their little digs and rants in a different section.

B & S used to be for people to post about genuine problems etc but has now turned into an absolute joke.

Get your act together Ed and sort something out please !!!



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AB Ed kicking some ass!! Nice one!
does this actually suggest that there may be a chat section appearing soon?
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Ed.....B&S has been going down the pan since you got rid of chatterbank. You just have to look at the posts in there now such as "buying chocolate hobnobs" and "zues did you get my picture"....totally irrelevent to the section.

I stand by my "get your act together" statement......if you can't keep up with stuff, get people in who can....MODERATORS for example.

Hey Zeus, for the record, i've never been banned from here but as you beleive so much that i have at least 3 bans under my belt...possibly 4 or 5, i'll give you the opportunity to prove it.
blah blah blah blah blah....
I don't get how you can object to such posts when you quite often reply to them as well!
Not really sure why I've got stars hammerman but thank you.
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Because i love you helieboobs (LOL). I'm not really a nasty gezzer....just get fed up with all the drivel from a few of the kids with no life.

B & S used to be full of interesting questions and equally informative answers. Now it's full of stuff that should be said on msn or email.

It's a shame that you can't pm people on here as it would make life a lot easier. Forum staff would be a pretty good idea too.....i belong to many aquatic forums and i moderate on one. We have about 10 mods on there and the moment anyone steps out of line, the post is deleted or edited and the person warned.

No offence to anyone with this thread but it is getting a bit tedius

Right, i'm going to get my sandals on, take a copy of the gaurdian and go and hug a tree !!!!!!!
I appolgise if I have got u mixed up with someone else of similar name. Someone with similar name to u posted a Q saying they kept getting banned for being abrupt and nasty.

You did tell me to "F-off the site " when I posted a tongue in cheek answer on one of your posts...I did a search on AB to prove that.although all the comments have been deleted. Then you told others to do the same.

Im not on here to have arguments with people.

I will admit that I may have been wrong here...but I am right in saying that my team , the Toon are far superior to yours.
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Let's all have a group hug !!! ;-)

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