Holiday Insurance For The Very Ill in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Holiday Insurance For The Very Ill

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Handoftheking | 14:26 Fri 17th Feb 2017 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
I am in remission from nasopharyngeal cancer which has returned 3 times in 9 years. The last one was 3 years ago. I have never had a terminal prognosis. I have lots of problems from the treatment, all above board.
I am fed by tube overnight, have the use of only one eye, a trachy to breathe but no lung problems, reasonable BP. The feeding is fine and can be arranged to be administered anywhere in Europe by a company called Abbott. Anyone recommend a specialised insurance company.
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This specialised broker might offer your best hope of getting cover:

(My link isn't simply from a bit of random googling. That company is recommended on the websites of several leading charities who serve the needs of people with disabilities and medical conditions. Several AB members have also said that they've managed to get cover through them)
I usually shrug my shoulders and just go
without insurance
what would you insure against ?

they will only insure you for previously absent illnesses
so I would have thought the obvious exclusion would be
1) being or getting ill howsoever caused

( but I only have relapsed lymphoma and neutropenia )
with previous ca colon

You'd insure against a stay in hospital, Peter, medical assistance to get you home or at worse, doing something with your body if you died!
My first question would be: did his towel and trunks have the unmistakable dampness and/or smell of chlorine about them when putting them in the wash or did he administer to them himself almost immediately upon his return?
Apologies, wrong thread. AB seems slow and out of kilter this morning and froze my tablet last night. Gremlins abound!

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