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A B Knitters- Just Stop

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Samjenko | 02:16 Thu 23rd Feb 2017 | ChatterBank
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I thought sheep needed to have their fleeces sheared to stop them getting too hot or harbouring insects.
There's nothing cruel about directing hot-blooded male members of this site to that link ;-)

More seriously though, it's hard to know where to draw the line between benefiting man and 'being cruel' to animals. I prefer animals to people but I'm a meat eater. On the other hand a vegetarian friend of mine supports PETA and, for example, hates to see blind people using guide dogs because she regards their training as cruel (as it seeks to remove many of the natural instincts of a dog). As someone who loves dogs, and can certainly see her point, but who has also worked with blind children, I'm left confused.
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Yeah, and me. Apparently not. (according to PETA)
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I think banning guide-dogs is even more stupid than not shearing sheep, to be honest. They must be having a laugh.
As Jethro said, "Are you shearing that sheep?"

"No, go find yer own!"
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If you can't shear them, JD, you Welsh lads will only have two uses for them.
I'm not actually Welsh, but I know what you mean.
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I'm awfully sorry. It was an honest mistake. ;-)
Another self-congratulating celeb on a crusade...

It's probably cruel to take your dog to the groomers too.
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And taking your kids to the barbers,Nom. ;)
I have only one response to that picture and message ...

"What a bunch of ærse"
I'd like to show PETA a sheep that's being eaten alive by maggots because its wool is long dirty and wet ....then hear what they have to say !!
I must be missing something.....Can anyone please explain why shearing sheep is cruel please ?
P eople
E ating
T asty
A nimals, . . . . . . . Don't ya just luv 'em?
I love PETA and agree with a lot of what they say, but I'm not sure about this one, although no doubt some sheep shearers do handle them too roughly and this could be what they mean.

No evidence has been provided on this thread, so far, that shearing is cruel, maybe a Link supplied by PETA would help our understanding of this allegation.
It is quite possible for an unshorn sheep to be brought to its knees with the weight of wet wool on its back.
The price of wool is often so low it costs the farmer to shear them but they still do it for that reason.
It is definitely cruel to shear them.... not!
PETA may mean well but they do not know what they are talking about as is often the case with their pronouncements. did you find out that shearing was cruel ?

Question Author
Twitter, mikey. The campaign is over a year old. Mustn't have got much traction, I'd never heard of it before.
Thanks Sam !

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