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To Imbibe Or Not To Imbibe

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NoMercy | 21:20 Wed 01st Mar 2017 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Is a nice glass of Zin permissable on a Wednesday night?

I have no clinics tomorrow - it's just an admin day.


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Zin is horrible. Try something else
Yes go for it NOM
I'm having a nice glass of pear kopparberg cider very refreshing
Is zin actually gin, but slurred?
If it's an admin day then two glasses are permissible........unless you are on holiday with John, then you'd be on your second bottle by now..... ;-)
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A Californian Zinfandel is horrible??

I beg to differ.

Chin chin, Bernie
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I must go on holiday with John.
Primitivo (a.k.a Zinfandel) grapes can produce some really lovely wines but they can also produce some utter rubbish. So choose wisely. Better stil, play safe with a Syrah (a.k.a. Shiraz) wine, where you usually get something rather tasty (even if it's a cheapo offering).

You're making me feel thirsty but I'm trying to save money by not drinking at home,so I've now got to decide whether or not to nip down to the Co-op in the next half hour!
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Aldi Meadowhawk Zinfandel is a blockbuster of a wine. I highly recommend it.

Not as good as the Callia Magna Malbec, which appears to have sold out everywhere.
Just my opinion but most Californian wines are horrible. Most of them give me a migraine due to the amount of additives that are allowed in them. To be fair though, California is leading the way in promoting organic wines which are additive free (and 9 per cent alcohol) but their mainstream wines are not anything to write home about
Aldi' Californian White Zinfandel Rockstone Ridge is a gorgeous rosé, slightly sweet but very drinkable. That's what I'm having now.
Tomorrow is my wine night. Cooking for others when wine-addled is not a good idea...
...even when those being cooked for are already full of wine...OR prescription drugs...OR whatever...


If I knew your home address, i would send you a bottle OR better still bring one round...;-)

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