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Pub-Crawlers Reach 20,000Th Ale House

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mikey4444 | 10:01 Sat 04th Mar 2017 | ChatterBank
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By the way, what does "tairsters" mean ?
Wow. I used to work at Tetleys brewery in Leeds and there was a bloke there who's ambition was to visit every U.K. Pub. I thought at the time it was rather impossible and this article virtually proves it.

I like their waistcoats and the fact that the main organiser has drunk over 46000 pints!
It means tasters Mikey. It says in the article.

The Tairsters - Black Country dialect for tasters
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Sorry....missed that !
46,000 pints followed by 20,000 kebabs..... :o)

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Pub-Crawlers Reach 20,000Th Ale House

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