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Forgotten How To Change My Photo

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emmie | 16:02 Wed 08th Mar 2017 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
can someone advise please.


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Just to check, if you look at your profile on here and go to 'edit my profile' is the gmail address the one that shows for you? whatever that email is you have to use on Gravatar.
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how do i go into profile or should i ask Ab Editor. i clicked on my name but it just came up with when i joined, and my last entry on here, if that makes any sense.
I find the gravatar website fiddly, I have to go through something called worldpress too but it does work eventually so I like to changed mine regularly!
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found my profile and yes it has my gmail acc on it.
That's a good start :-) Not that it helps with gravatar not accepting it.
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will try again to create a new acc with gravatar but if it won't accept my gmail address then it won;t work.
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trying to set up a new account and put in my newish e mail address and it keeps coming up with the following message.

'Use a working email address, so you can receive our messages.'
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i did it but don't how, confused and hungry.... time for supper.
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at least i thought i had, oh well.
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the photo i have chosen shows up on the box where you answer, yet doesn't on the profile. i am baffled.

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