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St Patrick's Day

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mikey4444 | 08:58 Wed 15th Mar 2017 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
Since the recent change to AB, we are missing our little picture at the top. Its only 2 days to St Paddys Day.....can we have the shamrock back please !


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I may have a small one of these after my work is done ...
that looks like rocket fuel Dave !! ;-)
St Patrick's Day is a celebrated by the whole of Ireland, surprisingly to many perhaps, not just the republic.
Personally, as an irish person myself, I find it odd that the whole world wants to join in, but there you go .. :-)
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My Dad used to go back home to Ireland in the last years of his life, for 3-4 weeks in September every year. One of my brothers still has the last bottle of Poitin he brought back, although his always came in old lemonade bottles !

I can remember when I was about 15, and I was going into town before Xmas, to do my Xmas shopping. It was a bitterly cold day, and there was always a long wait at the bus stop.

Dad gave me a nip of Poitin, much against my Mums's advice.

All day I was walking around with jacket over my arm, as I was strangely awfully hot !

Central Heating for 15 year olds, to paraphrase the Ready Brek advert !
Not odd at all, Ich......we're a friendly, welcoming lot and who doesn't like some fun........♣
Mikey.....the stuff in old lemonade bottles was much, much better than the stuff we can buy now......I think!..... ;-)


Myth 3: Alcohol warms the body
///The opposite is true. Alcohol opens up the pores of the skin, allowing perspiration to increase, which lowers body temperature and cools the body///
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Gness....when I asked Dad where this stuff came from, he always said it was from a discussion he had, over a farm gate somewhere !
Ich, because there are Irish people all over the world. The paddies like to get about! I even found a family of Flynns in Cuba who had very peculiar colouring, due to the strong Irish genes.
My very distant ancestors the McKay's, came from Sligo and my colouring is rather Irish, so I don my gorgeous emerald green silk skirt in tribute to them.
As for the Poitin, Dave, I detest the taste of it, so will stick to a Guinness, quaffed from Sir Alec Guinness' pewter tankard, which I happen to be the lucky owner of!
For Mikey....if it works!

GenuineclAss - I'm partial to a drop of Guinness too - but one tends to lead to three, so I'll have to leave that until Saturday night when I'm not expected to be bright-eyed the next morning ... :)

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