I'd like to leave my body for anatomical examination when i die, has anyone out there experienced this with a loved one, just want to know how it would effect my children, i have'nt signed up to it yet
If your body is accepted, which I think is rare, make other arrangements for a funeral.
Human nature, people need closure and that's usually with a funeral, so plant a tree or something and have a ceremony, somewhere where your ashes can be scattered/buried when they are finished.
check the T and C. It used to be that when they had ummmm......completed their work.......the family got the body back for disposal. There was no choice in this. This is many years ago now and things may well have changed but do check what will happen.
My brother had done this, did not want a funeral or any sort of ceremony or celebration. However he was so ill that when he finally passed away his body did not weigh enough for them to take it. He was then cremated without a ceremony and no frills.
I know several people who have either donated their body or had family who had donated. In each case everything has gone off without a hitch. My understanding is the circumstances of the death are important as to whether or not the body can be accepted. In all cases the body was kept for a couple of years and then all people who had close interest in the deceased were invited to a memorial service. In each case the body was disposed of by the facility which accepted it. If you google ......leaving my body to medical science.....all is explained