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I have been startling sheep, and other mammals for as long as I can remember....after all, when I boy has to go, he has to go !
The following story is told in our family. As a very small boy,
I was being taken into Town to do some shopping by my Grandmother, who was a very grand lady, much on a par with Joan Sanderson. I had too pee.
When my pleas for relief became terribly urgent, she took me by the hand and swept into the Ritz, on Piccadilly. She told this snooty looking flunky that "my grandson needs to use the facility and could he please tell her where it was ?"
He asked her, somewhat hesitantly ( my grandmother was very grand indeed ) if she was staying at the Ritz.
At this impertinence, my grandmother said that "she would never stay in a place like this ! " and where was the bloody toilet !