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That's My Birthday Presents Sorted

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cassa333 | 21:43 Sat 18th Mar 2017 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
DD has got me a wobbly pen, DS two baking tins and OH five Red Nose Day raffle tickets to a meet and greet Breakfast with 7 of the Dr Who's.

I will have fun with the wobbly pen and make a few nice cakes in the tins and although I do want Comic relief to make lots of money I would prefer they don't sell any more tickets for the breakfast with the Dr Who's so I have a slightly better chance of winning lol.


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Is it today?

If so ♫ Happy Birthday ♫

What's not to like about a wobbly pen, I used to have one.

Good luck in the raffle.
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My Birthday isn't till the 29th (but than you anyway )

I like widely pens. It covers up my scrawny hand writing lol

I know how popular Dr Who is so I don't hold out much hope for winning but I always work on the assumption that someone wins it and one day it might actually be me *Chortlesplutters*

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