Monday. It's mizzling outside, The kind of light rain that goes through just about anything. No air movement, so it looks like it's here for some time to come. So I shall not be out long. Plenty of domesticity to catch up on.
Tiggy was out for his supper then back to bed like his bum was on fire! Wise lad. He's feeding well, so he's not looking so scrawny.
soz ..didn't notice caps on.....had a better sleep last feeling brighter..hoping it stays dry will get into garden...neighbour has asked me to write some cards for her will go through later...cake will be available, she is a good dinner may be scant !
Morning Boaty & all, another one this morning, get sick of it, its unfair we get this lot and Africa gets none. out shopping today so have a Good / wet one you lot.