Strictly yes the answer is 5.
But it does depend
If you say aloud when totting things up:
Two plus one (3) times 3: nine.
A helpful soul who was not trying to do tricksy stuff on Facebook would write 2 + (1X3) = ... even though the brackets are not really needed
My two had maths exams today and they were trying to explain to me why it was 5 and not 9.
Even at 13 they are way over my head lol
I got them the higher level GCSE mathematics book as the teacher told me they would be taking the higher level next year (higher science, English, history and geography as well).
I want to know where they got their brains from. It must be their father (degree in engineering) rather than me.
I like to think I have life skills way beyond my academic ability lol
My two think that because I can't help with their maths homework I am a numpty on everything.
That comes from a boy who, where I am obviously not, is quite gifted academically but wants to do sociology as an option so he can learn to debate why a particular game is better than another!!! I told him he doesn't need to do sociology. He just has to learn how to get the better of me in a discussion and he will have got it. He thinks it is easy but he has a lot of ground to catch up on lol lol