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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:45 Tue 21st Mar 2017 | ChatterBank
113 Answers
Tuesday. A light frost this morning. Winter hasn't quite gone away yet. Still, spring can't be far behind...I hope!

A quick check on Tiggy this morning, sound asleep, bless him. He had his supper though!

Nothing at all on the calendar for this week. Yet! there's enough to do indoors, so I shan't get bored!

Have a happy day everyone.


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'morning chip, all well?

MM, guess your about 430-450 miles North of us, I mean that's The Arctic surely?
feels like it !
Good morning, all. I got up earlyish to watch Sara Cox finish her 24 hour danceathon. She's got about 45 minutes to go.

Weird weather here, blue skies and then hail.
It would be okay here, if the wind would just drop enough to lower the 'chill factor'. (God has been on the mushy peas again!)
morning all, my cheerful charlie says hello
Don't know whether to adopt that name Gen " RAM" it seem suitable???
Looks like he could gum you to death with those chops, tambo!
Depends on whether your brain works like mine, Random Access Memory!
Ah I see Murray, Ok nice to see you Gen x
I gave him my spare denture ;) Hey alec, did ed let you change names coz he wont let me.
No, tambo. I left this site for a while and only came back on to pay respects to Psybbo. My email was 'already in use', so I rejoined with another email address and had to change my name as a 'new' member, so to speak.
good to know youre ok Gen. I may try that.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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