Quizzes & Puzzles15 mins ago
Connecting Printer To Laptop
3 Answers
I have a HP printer 3520 series,a HP Pavilion laptop and a EE Bright box router. I have tried and tried to scan some photos both with and without a USB cable,but no luck. I have managed to print out letters recently using a usb cable but it will not do the scanning. Can somebody please help - in very simple language!!
Many thanks in advance.
Many thanks in advance.
I suspect you only have the printer drivers installed. Go here and download the file and install the latest drivers which should include the scanning software. http:// support. hp. com/ us- en/ drivers/ selfservice/ HP- Deskjet- 3520- e- All- in- One- Printer- series/ 5162504/ model/ 5162505 To connect your printer via wi-fi view the manual here and read...
18:27 Thu 30th Mar 2017
I suspect you only have the printer drivers installed. Go here and download the file and install the latest drivers which should include the scanning software.
http:// support .hp.com /us-en/ drivers /selfse rvice/H P-Deskj et-3520 -e-All- in-One- Printer -series /516250 4/model /516250 5
To connect your printer via wi-fi view the manual here and read and apply from page 8
http:// h10032. www1.hp .com/ct g/Manua l/c0335 5292
To connect your printer via wi-fi view the manual here and read and apply from page 8
An 'all-in-one' printer is really several separate devices inside a common box. As such, they each have their own drivers. If you can print but not scan it seems clear that the scanner driver hasn't been properly installed.
Reinstall your printer's software, either from the CD which came with it or by downloading and running the file from here:
http:// support .hp.com /gb-en/ drivers /selfse rvice/s wdetail s/hp-de skjet-3 520-e-a ll-in-o ne-prin ter-ser ies/516 2504/mo del/516 2505/sw ItemId/ al-1088 12-4
(When installing it, note that some printers require you to choose between a wireless and a cabled connection. If you encounter such a choice, be sure to select the correct one).
Your Bright Box router has 'WPS' wifi connecting disabled by default. Follow the instructions here to enable it:
http:// ee.co.u k/help/ phones- and-dev ice/hom e-broad band/br ight-bo x-wirel ess-rou ter/bri ght-box -wifi-g uides/b right-b ox-rout er-conn ect-usi ng-wifi -protec ted-set up-(wps )
Once you've got the software correctly installed, and WPS is enabled on your router, press the WPS button on your router and hold it for 5 seconds. Then press and hold the WPS button on your printer until the wireless light starts blinking and for another three seconds. After that your router and printer should connect together by wifi.
Reinstall your printer's software, either from the CD which came with it or by downloading and running the file from here:
(When installing it, note that some printers require you to choose between a wireless and a cabled connection. If you encounter such a choice, be sure to select the correct one).
Your Bright Box router has 'WPS' wifi connecting disabled by default. Follow the instructions here to enable it:
Once you've got the software correctly installed, and WPS is enabled on your router, press the WPS button on your router and hold it for 5 seconds. Then press and hold the WPS button on your printer until the wireless light starts blinking and for another three seconds. After that your router and printer should connect together by wifi.