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Decline And Fall

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mikey4444 | 19:35 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

I am repeating this here on CB, as there is only 1.5 hours to go !


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Thank you but personally would not watch anything with Jack Whitehall in.
if it was good, it was because it was written by the writers of Rev, which if you haven't seen it do, its hilarious in a barmy way.
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Emmie....glad you enjoyed it !
i haven't watched it yet,
i was referring to Rev about a hapless vicar in a Spitalfields church, its laugh out loud, which is rare.
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Sorry Emmie...misread your reply.
no problem, if you ever come across Rev then do take a look, its off the wall.
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I did watch an episode ...perhaps its time I did again....its the sort of thing I normally like.

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