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Seven Charged So Far Over The Attack On The

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emmie | 19:14 Mon 03rd Apr 2017 | News
34 Answers
young asylum seeker. I hope that if they are proven guilty they get the appropriate sentence, shocking to see women amongst the attackers.


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presumably cctv cameras were involved, this was how they were caught. I know women can be vicious, but this was a sustained attack on a helpless victim.
presumably you mean your post on the subject, other attacks do get reported, but this one might be because it was a hate crime, i don't know..
andy-hughes, //I'd love to believe that people are that public spirited - but I seriously doubt it! //

Since the police have released images of some of the attackers, I guess some people are that public spirited.
AOG - //As pointed out in a previous thread, why is this particular attack being acted upon with such efficiently by the police and reported on so much by the media, when similar and even much worse attacks take place most weekend nights, yet we hear very little or even nothing about them? //

In terms of the police efficiency - that is directly related to evidence and witness statements - the more they get of either / both, the more 'efficiently' they can respond.

Hint - I don't think they deliberately respond better and quicker because the victim is an asylum seeker.

As for the media attention, I have advised you every time you bring up this subject of coverage - the media covers incidents which it believes will appeal to its readership because of a specific angle - in this case that's probably the sheer size of the mob, but I don't know - you'd have to ask them.
Oh AOG they are hardly on the same scale are they.
also as they happened last year how are we to know how much reporting was carried out, seens one was in a National paper it obviously got significant coverage!
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there were phone calls to the police, so there must be a degree of public spiritedness. They may not have wanted to get involved due to how many of these bstards were involved in the attack.
Naomi - //andy-hughes, //I'd love to believe that people are that public spirited - but I seriously doubt it! //

Since the police have released images of some of the attackers, I guess some people are that public spirited. //

A fair point - but I am willing to be that for every individual who films with a view to giving evidence to the police, there are four or five brain-dead morons who simply film because they can.
Did reports say that the attackers came out of a pub? It could be that the pubs security cameras provided the images which led to the quick arrests.
/// but this one might be because it was a hate crime ///

I don't get this 'hate' crime description, I would have thought that all violent crimes were committed for hateful reasons, one doesn't do so for lovable reasons.
AOG - I believe the term 'hate crime' is used to denote a specific category of motivation - that being an aversion to the ethnicity, gender, orientation etc. of the victim.
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another six have been charged, good, lets hope they get
a good long sentence, if found guilty that is.
/// Hint - I don't think they deliberately respond better and quicker because the victim is an asylum seeker. ///


/// I believe the term 'hate crime' is used to denote a specific category of motivation - that being an aversion to the ethnicity, gender, orientation etc. of the victim. ///
AOG do you not think then that this warrants the news coverage it has received?

There you go AOG, the Liverpool echo reported two arrested on the 02/05/2016 which is actually the day before your link was dated.
I hope they get every single one involved in this and indeed any other violent attack - sickening covers them all.

No added labels needed.

If anyone feels the media handles cases badly - complain to them.

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