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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:43 Thu 06th Apr 2017 | ChatterBank
71 Answers
Thursday. A lovely sunny day yesterday, but I wish the wind was a bit warmer. It's a wee bit cool this morning, the sky is clear, so it looks like another nice day. Tiggy didn't stay out long, hoovered up a few slugs, had his supper and went back to bed.

I hope to get some more done in the garden today. We shall see.

Have a happy day everyone.


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that's nice oz xx people are good by and large !
Lots are Minty.

I've met people that have towed their caravan for five days, at high speed, only stopping for a bit of kip all the way from Western Oz just so they can help make a difference and support people they have never met..

All at their own cost.

Gives me faith in humanity.
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Lovely people oz. Lots about, they are there when needed.
Good morning, everyone.
1ozzy, you do get your troubles down there, don't you?
I have extended family members around Brisbane. I don't know if that area has been affected by fires and floods.
It's great that so many people are glad to help.
morning Clover xx wasn't Queensland hit by the storm ?
There is a very small town, hundreds and hundreds of kilometers away, smaller town than ours.

The CWA there, (I always thought it was the Cranky Womens Association), silly me "Country Womens Association" raised $68,000.00 for the purchasing of fencing material to be utilised here.

How good an effort is that!!!!!!
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Wonderful oz!

Time to make a move. Have a happy day everyone. xxx
No fires around Brisbane Clover.

No floods either, lots of flooding a north of Brisbane though.

When we have a disaster we have a good 'un ;-)
bye boaty xx

how wonderful oz..such kindness
Cya Boaty.

Look after yourself old mate.
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Morning jo xxx Nearly missed you. That would never do!

Must dash now. xxx

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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