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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:25 Mon 10th Apr 2017 | ChatterBank
77 Answers
Monday. It's decidedly nippy this morning. The weather bods were right., one time I wish they were wrong! Tiggy isn't too impressed either. He had his supper and went off to bed again.

The delights of domesticity today.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Sounds good donny. Have lots of fun.
"Donald, where's yer troosers"? Coming onto AB in that state of undress just excites us wee hens, ya naughty minx!
some brilliant food in Florence as well....
ooo that sounds like my kind of Italy ..not one for laying on a Rome and venice for the museums and art galleries...I will change my name to Anne and bring my passport..will arrange a kidnap ..she will be very comfy in my shed for a bit ! lol...
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Morning danny. All well mate?
some brilliant food in Florence as well....

Morning Danny
Morning Danny xx
"Some good food in Florence". Did she cook Dylan the rabbit with his carrot? She would've used Zebedee, but didn't want the spring getting caught in her teeth...
someone on the move, so have to go and fix the final bits of breakfast. The carer due in as well..... Have a good day, all.
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Have a good'un DT.
We are gradually working our way around Italy. Last year we were in Sorrento , a good base for Pompeii and Herculaneum.
bye DT xx

Sorrento is lovely..pompei quite spooky....
The Amalfi coastal road is an amazing drive.
can smell it now Donny ! if I lived there I'd be HOOOOOOOGE !
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The sun has just come out. :o}
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Time to make a move.

Have a happy day everyone. xxxxx
bye boaty xx

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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