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Harry Styles New 'un

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B00 | 07:14 Fri 07th Apr 2017 | Music
8 Answers

This is amazing!


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Really like it.
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Me too ummmm, y'know those records you play to death till you're pig sick of it? This is my new one of those, lol
It's not boy band'ish. I'll play it to the kids when they wake. I bet within the day my son will know all the words.
I'm taken aback - I never thought much of him or his fellow band mates but that's one hell of a tune.
I just heard it on R2 Boo. I even said who's this, sounds pretty good.......then Sarah Cox said the new one from Harry Styles. "She who must be obeyed" will like it, she was a "fan" of One Direction.
It almost seems like blasphemy but I like this a lot, I never thought a boy band, X-factor performer would impress me.
I always thought he should be a solo artist.
Heard it Monday on radio 1 without knowing who it was and thought "this is good, sounds familiar, I wonder who it is" and was surprised when they said who it was. I've heard it a few time since and think it's great. Reminds of something - somewhere between Oasis's Stop Crying Your Heart Out, something by Pete Cetera/Chicago. the vocals are excellent, particularly on the chorus when he doesn't sing in the high voice, and the backing track if guitar and strings/choir works perfectly.
When they first came on the scene I wouldn't have expected to be saying this but One Direction made some great (if derivative) tunes and all the solo efforts of the 1D members have been pretty good.

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Harry Styles New 'un

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