Do we really have to be repeatedly warned that some viewers may find the content upsetting? People get ill, people die, people get beaten up and worse - does it really need to be put in a warning? Fair enough if its graphic pictures of something like an operation but for general story lines isn't it a bit much? We see far worse on the news and they don't give us warnings for that unless its graphic pictures of deaths.
The Broadcasters know that there are people who sit waiting to complain about the slightest thing, so if a few seconds worth of an announcement cuts this down it is worth the bother.
Yes there so many people quick to 'get upset' by everyday events.
I noticed on "The Sheriffs are Coming" the other night they put out a similar warning - what do people think the show contains? If they don't like that sort of thing, you shouldn't watch.
They also put Helpline phone numbers if anyone has been affected by the contents of a soap lol lol.
I was watching an old Avengers on True Entertainment channel and they put an announcement beforehand 'this programme is a PG certificate, not suitable for children'.
I always watched it as a kid lol lol .