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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:19 Sun 16th Apr 2017 | ChatterBank
86 Answers
Sunday. All serene outside, a wee bit cool, but dry so far.
I cleaned the inside of the car yesterday, I think it's traumatised! Probably won't start today. :o}
On the canal in the Visitor Centre to day, I hope the weather is kind to us! When I take my mate home afterwards I'm staying to dinner. His wife is a very good cook, so I'm looking forward to that.

Have a happy day everyone.


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A chill day here Eleena, run out of things to do,
Same here TWR, weather's not great, so a chill day sounds about right. Enjoy your day and a happy Easter to you TWR x
The same to you and your family Eleena, have a good day.x
good morning one and all, not sure what the weather is doing, feels a mite cool, but we shall see.
Happy Easter emmie, weather not great is it. Oliver the musical on tele later x
thanks, have seen it numerous times, its a good film nonetheless.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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