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weecalf | 07:31 Sat 22nd Apr 2017 | Crosswords
13 Answers
The cushion the impact for those who row agressively 7 ??m?e?s
Near the recreation ground a wind proof cover is needed 5 ??r??
Retired player who rigorously insists on getting paid 7 ????t?r
thank you


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3 exactor
07:32 Sat 22nd Apr 2017
3 exactor
2. Parka
2 parka
1 bumpers
Dampers ?
Question Author
Thanks again going with bumpers as b comes from another clue
1 A bumps race is a form of rowing race in which a number of boats chase each other in single file, each crew attempting to catch and "bump" the boat in front without being caught by the boat behind.

3 Exactor may refer to: Someone who practices extortion
EX actor = retired player

Someone who practices extortion
morning Donny XX..OO..XX..OO..
Good morning and I hope you are well XXOOXX
fine ta Donny :0) xx
Good morning you two.
morning Danny Scorpy yet..hope she is ok, don't know anyone that has her e mail... :0(
And to you Danny

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