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Happy Days Actress Erin Moran Dies At 56

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mikey4444 | 07:16 Sun 23rd Apr 2017 | ChatterBank
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That's sad, 56, no age at all, RIP
happy days great memories RIP erin
She was very bubbly in the series, lovely smile. Nice memories watching the 'Fonz' & all the cast!
She was so pretty when younger : (
What a shame. RIP Joanie.
Ahhh.... poor lady. Loved Happy Days.

Who wasnt singing along to that word for word then??
lol Lina ! Sunday Monday .....:0)
Too, too sad .....what a waste ....she was such a bubbly youngster
Very sad. She was great in Happy Days. Loved it.

Sounds like she had her demons. I hope her death wasn't at her own hands.
She was lovely, and so much fun.
I was sad to read this, I liked Happy Days.

RIP Erin.
Very sad news. RIP Erin.

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Happy Days Actress Erin Moran Dies At 56

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