You really should be looking in Computeractive magazine (or similar) for unbiased advice...because they actually test the software.
However, it seems that (if you want to pay) Kaspersky does the job the best...if you want "free", then Avast Free, or Sophos Home Free (this one recommended by Which?)
As gingejbee has said, Computeractive tests A/V software. I have it every 2 weeks and they rate Kaspersky as the best "Paid For" package or Avast as the best "freebie". I tried Kaspersky, but my W10 PC didn't like it so I now use ( and have for 12 months) Avast free. Hope this helps.
Kaspersky used to be very good (although it's arguable as to whether it was actually better than the freebies because the tests carried out by different magazines and websites seem to produce wildly varying results). However there have been quite a few reports of the recent editions slowing the performance of some computers.
The most popular product among AB members seems to be Avast, which I'm perfectly happy with.
There are many of us here on AB that Chris (Buenchico) has advised and helped time and time again with our computer problems. He may not have actually polled AB members to be able to say that Avast is the most popular but has been involved i enough threads concerning this to be able to say what he did.
Why so unpleasant, Chris is more than entitled to give his views, we may or may not agree with it let’s face it if we all agreed on antivirus there would no need for more than one but if you have an opinion express it don’t try to deride his advice