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Gold Star For Ebay !

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mikey4444 | 07:58 Thu 27th Apr 2017 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
At 10:30 on Tuesday, I ordered a new push-along Calor gas room heater on ebay. Only £54 incl p+p.

I picked this up from ARGOS yesterday, at 11:00 !

24.5 hours after ordering it ......I am terribly impressed !


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Argos deliver very quickly to my area.
Amazon deliver the next day and I don't have to go and collect it, they bring it to me:-)
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The best thing about this order was that I didn't have to stay in and hope the delivery will arrive. My local ARGOS is only 10 mins away and I can choose when to go and collect the item.

Its as near fool-proof as ebay can make it !

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Gold Star For Ebay !

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