i did it a few years ago and am a discharged bancrupcy for over a year now, the experience was not daunting, i had my interview over the phone with my official reciever after i had been to court, is all behind me now.... extremely hard to get credit now (which i dont want but could do with) however my bancrupcy was simple and i was 100% honest the debts i had, i had tried to sort out for many years before going bancrupt and hadnt added any credit loans etc for a good year and a half before going bancrupt But i know someone that knew they were heading for bancrupcy and wacked up their credit cards and went on a final mad spending spree..... they regret that now as they had to return certain items that were bought to be sold on and they are bancrupt for 6 years instead of the normal one year, a horrible experience for them (after i said it was ok) well it was for me.... the offical reciever can and will find you out if you have been dishonest, they can delve into all ur financial goings on even if you say you cant provide papers, they can get them without you.... so for those that take the micky, i wouldnt advise it, those that are genuinely in turmoil and the only way out is bancrupcy, good luck... its not a daunting experience if you are honest....