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8 To 10 Million More Migrants On Their Way

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Khandro | 12:52 Fri 05th May 2017 | News
27 Answers
Marine Le Pen seems to be the only one prepared to try to prevent this, does this make her a racist?


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Surely the answer to this is to just stop any boats containing migrants docking in Europe, tell them to take them to Libya.

Le Pen is sensible, it's the pro migrants who should be arrested and made to do hard labour, like cleaning up after gypsies have moved on after parking illegally and trashing the area, or cleaning in dirty takeaways who hire illegals, or marble arch after roma gypsies have urinated and the other there.
I'm at a loss to understand why anyone wants these economic migrants - because that's what they are - here. I've asked the question many times, but to no avail.
You will never get a reasoned answer to that question, naomi.

Those who do not wish to see any controls imposed seem to be completely lacking in reason. It is quite clear that the entire population of Africa cannot settle in Europe but nobody seems prepared to say that to make Europe like Africa (which will be the end result) will not only destroy the lifestyles of Europeans (about which few of them seem to care) but will ultimately do nothing for the migrants either.
NJ, I never do get a reasoned answer to questions like that - perhaps because there isn't an answer that is 'reasoned'.
Unless we can uninvent the cellphone and internet this will continue to escalate, with 8/10 million looking like a conservative number. You can't blame the immigrants and not many do, but unfortunately there is a very powerful minority who will label anyone racist who as much as speaks about it, let alone proposes to find a solution - and yet this may turn out to be the world's number 1 problem.
As for the UK, all's well in Sunningdale, Henley, Marlow etc. - just keep on shipping them up to Lord Howe's "desolate" North - where Fracking is also quite acceptable.
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Ichkeria; Your venomous attack against Marine Le Pen (Fri. 16:23) is based on nothing you can substantiate, what on earth does a person's 'family background ' have to do with their beliefs? I've asked you before, do you subscribe to the views of every member of your own family? The fact that she has distanced herself from her father you twist into it being a demonstration of her support for him - a weird assessment!

As for the serious accusation of her being anti-Semitic, this is as vetuste points out, entirely unfounded and in fact the opposite is true, she wishes to protect Jews from the appalling attacks they are suffering from Muslim extemists and I defy you to demonstrate otherwise.

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8 To 10 Million More Migrants On Their Way

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