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Are The Ten Commandments Relevant Today?

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Stargazer | 09:00 Sun 07th May 2017 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
Our school children have never even heard of them. Is it harder today to observe them especially keeping the Sabbath.


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Some of life's instructions immediately after the ten commandments are a little out of date. The one about selling my daughter into sexual slavery for instance.
I wrote some new ones. But I could only get up to nine.
1) Obey the law of the land where you find yourself.
2) You have a value as a human being ; yours is no less and no greater than anyone else’s. Respect that value and that equality in everyone.
3) Do nobody any harm, to body, mind or reputation.
4) Do not seek to control others : rather seek to control yourself, your passions and desires
5) Do not lie : do not cheat to obtain an unfair advantage
6) If you make a promise, vow or oath, keep it.
7) If someone is in need of help which you can give, give it.
8) Tread lightly upon the earth.
9) Strive to live your life so that you leave the world a better place at your death than you found it at your birth.

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Are The Ten Commandments Relevant Today?

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