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'concorde' Cloud Forms Over Ribblehead Viaduct

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mikey4444 | 07:14 Tue 09th May 2017 | ChatterBank
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It's aliens, I tell you.
could run it as a caption competition

"June the 9th - and there goes Jeremy Corbyn, vapourised."

"Theresa May has a glass of Cloudy Bay and.....wooosh"
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Yes, and arriving by Concord !
seriously, it's a classic lenticular cloud, (Altocumulus lenticularis) and they are stationary lens-shaped clouds that form in the troposphere, usually perpendicular to the wind direction.
Great picture.
Mikey.....if you find clouds may know this though...have a look at the Cloud Appreciation Society site......

I'm a member because I spend so much time head in clouds or gazing skywards.....but there are some wonderful pictures there.....Jom had one published.....x
Brilliant shot!

I watched an interesting piece last night on 'Hole Punch Clouds'.
Cor !

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'concorde' Cloud Forms Over Ribblehead Viaduct

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