I know that you don't want to Eleena, but ur story might have been some value to me at the mo but I respect that you don't want to share on a public forum, that fine :-)
quite a few years ago I was on a team building exercise as part of an MBA course. We had to solve problems and find clues etc using land rovers and quad bikes in the countryside. On one of the challenges we were supposed to build a bridge across a river to get a message under a stone arch but I reached over and got it. I felt we cheated and ought to try the challenge anyway but I was voted down 6-1. It was me who ostracised them though ;)
I know there are many variables but I can understand why spree killers end up the way they are. (not saying that I'm about to become a spree killer.....)
But spree killers have often been consistently ostracized.
Still a bit of a bummer Quio tho, that a family that you've trusted for 50 yrs has ostracized you without your knowing it. And on finding out (and voicing it) ostracize you even more....
Like I said, I can really understand how people become spree killers....