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mikey4444 | 17:42 Tue 09th May 2017 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Snowdonia alpine coaster: First riders on new £1.5m ride

Not sure whether they will let someone my size on it though !


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I will Gness
Hang on , I've just reread the thread............elbows out??

Are you mad woman?
Am I mad?...You need to ask, Mamya?!!!!.... :-)
True, true x
Pints will be ready & cameras are rolling...
Cameras?....Hmmm....well that'll be Slack at the front in full flow....... Mamya's elbows flapping......and Dave's had a stiffener so he won't know what's going on......x

Okay....daintily swaying.....better?..... :-)
That'll do x
Our grandchildren loved these in France and Switzerland a dozen years or so ago - they were about 10 at the time. You have a brake, so you can control your own speed.

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