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Such A Let Down.....

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gness | 19:57 Tue 16th May 2017 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I had a hot date at lunchtime......well lukewarm as he was an ex colleague and I'm finding retired male teachers a bit....dull I suppose.....they seem at a loss to know what to do with themselves......not like retired female teachers who find a second wind on retirement and live life to the full......second childhood for some of us...... ;-)

We went to a teashop we often visited after used to be fantastic...fresh and clean.......great food and atmosphere and always full.....beautiful garden full of birds....

New folk have taken over....the food was sad....the cakes dry....the lovely old tearoom cobwebby and dreary with grubby full of weeds....

Isn't it sad when something once lovely lets you down....the teashop...not the teacher.... :-)



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Yes. Like going to somewhere you loved as a child and finding it nothing like it was then. The Isle of Man, for example.
Nothing stays the same gness....
So Gness went to somewhere that serves drinks, but not alcohol, and was disappointed about it.

Why am I not surprised?

We had a special hotel in Dunkeld, we loved it. The next time we went to stay we were so disappointed, it had changed hands and everything had gone to hell in a handcart :o( So I know how you feel gness x
Question Author
It's odd isn't a lovely place with a great following and let it go to pot.....

I should have said in my scathing opinion of retired male teachers...there are three lovely on here and two who escaped..... ;-)

Now Chris! know me.....I always have my own supply in my capacious bag.....for dates such as this!....x
What seems marvellous in our youthful days looks very different through experienced eyes. I revisited a place I loved as a child and was so disappointed I was nearly in tears. I vowed never again to revisit any more childhood places I loved.
i feel like that when i go into a much loved pub, one where we go into has changed from very good food to not so good, though the atmosphere is ok, it's just not the same.
Ah yes, gness, not for nothing do they say 'never go back'. Have had several similarly disappointing return visits to favourite places
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I think what surprised me was that a lovely business has been built up. Beautiful setting, gardens and easy competition close by.

Now...apart from the food looking less than appetising the place was grubby and uncomfortable and almost empty....

It would have been so easy to continue building on what the original owners had achieved......x
You need to find younger men to go on lunch dates with - ones that can keep up with you. xx
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You mean men in their mid seventies, Islay?...;-)
Did he offer to show you his etchings , gness ?
You've got to have lead in your pencil to make an etching, baz:-)
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That's only ever happened to me once, Baz.......and he did have etchings....a room full of them..... :-(

Well Gness I think its about time you became a Mrs Robinson figure and go for younger blokes!
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You reckon, Islay?.......Hmmmm.....first catch my younger bloke.....

Okay....will let you know how I get on..... :-)

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