I want to strip my stairs and door frames down to the wood to varnish/stain them. They have a few layers of white gloss paint (plus the primer etc I presume) what are the best products/ways of doing this? They aren't really old or anything just fancy wood showing rather than paint.
Probably one of the best paint strippers on the market is nitromors you simple paint it on and watch the old paint bubble and disolve before your eyes, then scrape it off. depending how many layers there are you may have to repeat a few times . And make sure you follow all safety instructions on the tin you would not want to splash your skin or eyes with this, so goggles and overalls and gloves are always a good idea. Also keep the area well ventilated
Go to your local trade merchants like c brewer & sons their is a great product like nitromors but less dangerous (nitromors like oven cleaner but 100x stronger) Im sorry i cant remember the name of it but its in a little white tub (goes a long way) its the consistency of wallpaper paste and you just slosh it on, leave it overnight and all the paint strips off. its water based so safe for kids/animals/plants etc