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Guardian Cryptic

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creamegg | 09:20 Thu 18th May 2017 | News
10 Answers
1d put out a horse adjudged to have secured a victory

3d superior american guards took flight

7d ace goes back to top

13a like blood as it enters the ear

16a us pentathlete is getting revised score 3,7,5
??e ?l?n?t? s?i??

19a daughter lives with farmer, a rye producer

22d dams releasing energy


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Best Answer

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1d. Aggravated
19. Distiller
16 The Planets Suite - anagram
22d. Mare?
3. Uranus
22d Mars
7. Saturn
13. Venus (Themed) sounds like "venous"
22 Mars (themed) = mares - E(nergy)
13 a Venus

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Guardian Cryptic

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