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Bliss This Morning....

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gness | 10:54 Mon 22nd May 2017 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Bees have taken over one of the bird boxes.....dozens and dozens of them......the area around the tree is just a black cloud of bees...... :-)


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Ok honey xx
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Buzz off, Bernie....... ;-)
You're being very waspish!
We've been swarmed twice in recent weeks, fortunately we are in a position to relocate them into hives.

They may relocate as a bird box is no use to them, you could find a local beekeeper on this site who will collect the swarm, take them away and house them.

If it's only dozens it could be the recce party, a full on swarm can be as many as 10,000. If the bird box is high up, which presumably it is they shouldn't give you any bother. Most swarms are friendly but you can get the occasional bad tempered colony.
Gness always has a sting in the tail :-)
Wouldn't have thought it particularly suitable as a hive. Perhaps you could offer a local beekeeper the chance to collect them and take them to a purpose designed hive ? Saves getting buzzed in the summer while you try to enjoy the garden.
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Nothing new there then, Smow..... :-)

Seems they will often use a bird box for a while......they're not the type of bee a keeper will take....I have had a huge swarm removed by a beekeeper in the past but those were honey bees.

I think these are tree bees and they can stay as long as they wasps they won't harm me if I don't annoy them and they're a delight to watch this morning....

There is a little group arranged around the hole in the nest box....just sitting and peeping out..... :-)
gness's next post title is going to be 'what's the best treatment for bee stings?'

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No, it's's going to be.....

How long can Ael keep a promise?...... ;-)...x
Silly me (I should know better), I jumped in assuming they were honey bees. It does explain why the numbers are so low, although recce parties of HB are quite normal.

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They could indeed, Eccles....and in that case a keeper would have to be sent for......but watching them gather is lovely......
The swarm I had to have removed did send a few buzzing around the kitchen window then it was as if night had descended......they formed into a huge cone from a tree until it reached the ground....x
I seem to be under siege by wasps - already evicted four of the stripy büggers in the last hour - they seem capable of getting in through a tiny crack of a window opening but incapable of exiting via a fully open one without 'encouragement'.

I now have all windows shut :(
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Evicted, Dave?......Ooooo I hope so..... ;-)

You know you only have to order them out in a very stern voice....point to the door and they go....easy....x
I tried that - I'm now worried that my neighbours think I'm evicting an illegitimate onion johnny ...
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You tried that when the neighbours were were dressed, weren't you?....... ;-)

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Bliss This Morning....

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