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Ian Hopkin/mcr Arena Bombing...we Heard What He Said......

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10ClarionSt | 09:05 Tue 23rd May 2017 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
...but we know what he meant. He asked people not to speculate about this incident. What he meant was that he didn't want to upset any immigrant religious fanatics who came here as refugees from ISIS with the sole purpose of killing innocent UK citizens. This incident happened only half a mile from where I used to live on Clarion St. Best not speculate about any more probable attacks, eh?


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Lets not spread anymore hate eh?

Otherwise we're playing into these 'peoples' hands, division among ourselves.
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'not to speculate' the man's an idiot !
The killer is British born. That's as much as the police have said at the moment about his identity
British born ... thank goodness for that.
Ha !
I really don't care where this monster was born but it is a fact he did not come here as a refugee, as 10Clarion is insinuating
I assume you mean Ian Hopkins from GMP. I thought he was simply asking people not to name the person who it was thought was the terrorist- After all social media, the channel 4 and some on he renamed the wrong person after the London car attack.
Talbot- I think the reference to UK born may have been made by hc either because that is all the police had said about the killer or maybe it was made to inform the OP who spoke of ISiS refugees coming here to commit these atrocities
The info always comes out in the end 10c . There is no reason at all for any conspiracy theorists to claim things are being played down to appease Muslims/ refugees. It is an atrocity, the police will name the killer when the time is right; and for now let's continue to support those affected while the police do their job

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