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Tony Walsh Poem

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Eleena | 04:34 Wed 24th May 2017 | ChatterBank
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I couldn’t listen to the whole thing. I had to turn him off. I know it was intended to rally courage and unity among Mancunians, but in the wake of such horror, his words, like those of many others, amount to nothing more than a futile gesture.
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Hi Naomi, no never futile to 'rally & unify' .. offer support surely? Do we not send sympathy cards to people in grief?
i must admit i found it very moving, poetry sometimes does that to me.
A gesture futile to some, meaningful to others - thank you Tony.

Eleena x
I like poetry and I quite like this.
Sorry...didn't hit with me.....pure theatre......."didn't I perform well"
I understand that it was a rallying cry.......but really, it was not needed.
I thought it was awful and unnecessary, as he was, he seemed to be glorying in it.

In one poem he did yesterday he mentioned "smiling faces" which I thought was rather tactless bearing in mind how many people are coping with the loss of a loved one.
Not impressed in any way, and I was born in Manchester.

He sounded like a Union leader, speaking to workers, to go on strike!
Not for me but if the locals get some comfort then ok by me.

It wont do any good of course, we need direct action NOW.

What's Farron doing there, thought there was no electioneering?
Watched that in Saudi Arabia this morning on CNN. I just about managed to get to the end of it before saying "Oh purlease"
I didn't realise Tim was there electioneering.

Maybe as he was born in Preston some 35 miles away he feels some affinity with Manchester and wished to show some solidarity.
Anyone listened to Didsbury Mosque spokesman? Wouldn't even admit bomber had been an attendee. Refused to take questions. Told the media what to print etc. Appalling people.
Doesn't surprise me scooping.
Not just me then.
Question Author
Not just you Naomi.
The poem did nothing for me.

And surely I can't be the only one totally underwhelmed by the actions of the Muslim leaders in Manchester?
At least it wasn't Roger McGough.
Talbot, not just you - but what I expect.

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