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Spacestation Sighting For Uk This Evening

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wendilla | 18:20 Sun 28th May 2017 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
1st sighting. 10. 12 pm for 6 minutes. Wsw departing E

2nd sighting. 11. 49 pm for 6 minutes W departing E


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Thank you, Wendi.....will have to work out direction but it's a nice night.....x
Was clear but clouding up now will look anyway
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I am sure you have seen it before .it always approximately comes from the same direction .what I mean is if you see it coming from right to left it is not going to suddenly come another time from right to left .
Mostly always from the w or Wsw
In all the years I have watched it this is the first time there has been so many 6 minute sightings all in one week .
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That reply was for gness
Ah yes, Wendi......I'm in Brussels and really don't know which way is up let alone left and right...... :-)
John has a compass on his phone...we have sussed out direction!
The balcony is tiny....I won't lean over....

Thanks again....x

Thanks for that Wendi.
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Gness are you on holiday in Brussels . It was a good clear view here tonight
Hi, Wendi...yes...just a short break for the music.....Fantastic sighting tonight.....thank you...x

We went out for the later one, too much cloud cover, so no luck, lot of lightning about though, storm on the way?

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Spacestation Sighting For Uk This Evening

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