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The Chase

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wendilla | 15:11 Sun 28th May 2017 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Woopee The Chase is back tomorrow . Who will miss Ryland ? I certainly won't .Can't him .


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Can't stand him how did I miss that out
I figured that out because of the title ;-)
On the other thread. How did I miss that out ?
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My mistake on other thread lol
I shall be glad to see it back. Keeps my brain from going mushy trying to answer the questions. I like Frosty Knickers best, lol!
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Yes I like her too and mark . But they are all good wish I had a corner of a corner of their brain .
I like Rylan. He's entertaining.

must have been watching a different programme to us then ummmm!
I've only seen short clips of it. I like him on other programmes.
I choose Tatiana !
And woebetide if you don't say 'Anna Starsia' ;-)
Lurve the Chase glad it will be back. I quite like the personality of the Rylan fellow...not even seen his prog....but ummm you always seem contrary to others views! Good to be different but I seem to notice you court controversy...or am I wrong! I'm smiling here so no malicious intent intended.
No...I just find most people likeable. If I find someone irritating on tv I turn over. I like him on This Morning but I did think he was a bit of a clown on X Factor.
I like Rylan and did warm to babushka in the end...I think he has a warm ,pleasant, caring, kind and genuine manner and personality...
And he can be quite funny.
indeed !!

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