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Don't Mention The Tories..................

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10ClarionSt | 10:13 Thu 01st Jun 2017 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
.....even the Tories are not Tories now. They don't want to sound like Tories. There are a few terms now, e.g. "my party", "me and my party" "my fellow party members" etc, etc. Check it out when "THE TORIES" are on the news next.


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I think they've hidden Mrs May in a cupboard, in a cellar, with a sign on the door saying "Do not open before 9th June" ...
What are you talking about?
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Last night Mrs May was out on the streets campaigning.
I think 10ClarionSt is making the point that even the Tories think that the word "Tory" has become toxic - I was extending that to the Leaderette too.
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Android Body Double, danny - you can tell from the 'rabbit in the headlights' stare and the rictus grin .... oh, hang on ....
Don't be ridiculous!
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And what would be the point of that? What utter nonsense! You're insulting the intelligence of the electorate.
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Have they ever referred to themselves as Tory (which is a bit slang and used by those who aren't surely)? They are the Conservative party which I'm sure they use all the time.
10ClarionSt, I don't rant - and neither do I spin - which is precisely what you're doing.

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Don't Mention The Tories..................

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