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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:37 Wed 07th Jun 2017 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
Wednesday. Well, the rain has stopped for a while. Still some cloud about though. The wind still making it's presence known. At least the rain gave the car a wash, so it's not all bad! :o}

Tiggy is still out and about in the garden, I heard him rootling about a wee while ago. Lots of slugs and snails for him to sort out.

I can do some out and about I didn't do yesterday because of the rain.

Have a happy day everyone.



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Morning albs xxx Now I know you mean 'sinny'! ;o}
All well here too thanks :-). Not working today, going to toddler group with littl'un xx
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Sounds good pix. A day off. You don't get many of them!
Good Morning wbm xxx and all xxx dry at the moment .little breezy actually put heating on yesterday evening . hope it stays dry as my youngest grandson is coming over from school 4 miles cycle .not seen him for a few weeks teenager now busy with football friends ect all grown up ,Have a good day all .
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Morning wendi xxx Something to look forward to. :o}
morning Danny xx Pix xx Albs xx wendi xx went for a cuppa and a bus arrived !
Morning albs and wendi xx
Have they brought breakfast in though?
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Since we are told it's not going to rain, I've got a towel wash on, they should dry nicely on the line with a good wind and a bit of sunshine! I can never work out if I'm a pessimistic optimist or an optimistic pessimist! :o}

'morning, sunshine, quite windy and cold atm, just in from a canter along the 'front. T gone for a shower and I'm on kitchen duty(again)
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Morning balders. Situation normal then!
morning balders, looks like I need to exit though, the carer due in any second now and a coffee to hand as well.....Have a good one all. xx to the gals, a stiff scotch for the boys.
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gotta make a move.

have a happy day everyone. xxxxx
morning Balders xx bye DT xx Boaty xx
Afternoon waterman and everyone! Thoughts going out to lozzy there x
My thoughts and prayers are with you 1ozzy. xxx

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