staplers in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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saxo_boi | 12:30 Tue 27th Jun 2006 | How it Works
4 Answers
Im was sitting at my desk bored earlier and I started to paly with my stapler! Then the question came to me, why do you have the bit where the staple comes out which you can turn around to make the staple a different shape when you are stapling something together. I cant really describe this too well but bascially theres a mteal piece which ican push up and turn around! Just wondered what its for because I havent got a clue!!!
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As you say, it makes the staple a different shape.

I've always believed this was because the 'ends go outwards' shape is easier to remove and the 'ends go in' is more secure. Temporary vs permanent stapling.
You must of been really really bored there saxo_boi!!
It's all about folding and what you are going to do with the stapled bits of paper - i.e. read them a lot and keep folding them over or just keep two bits of paper stapled together. If you fold normally stapled pieces of paper (top left diagonally) - sometimes the staple pops through the top copy leaving you stapling in several staples. If you turn the thingy around on the stapler and staple, when you fold the paper over, the sticky out bits of the staple now support the paper and help it rather than making it go through the top sheet !!!
Is is simply as catso says. A TEMPORARY staple can be pulled out.

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