Ilove your iTunes account will still be available. You can access it I am sure from at least 3 different computers or lap tops and if you install iTunes on a new lap top it will let you transfer from one to the other. If you have let the ITunes account fall by the wayside a little just do the upgrades that are offered after opening your account. If you have forgotten your password Apple are good at letting you reset a new one( I have had to do it more than once). You should be able to access iTunes using your email address as long as you have not changed it. The new password requires upper and lower case letters and at least 1 digit and must be at least 7 characters(again I am going from memory there). It takes about 5 minutes to come through. Once you have reactivated your iTunes library account you are flying. I agree with you that getting a good speaker to take with you for the ipod is a good idea but if you lose, or your ipod dies, you will lose that library. So your iTunes account is back up.