I had one of these removed from my back today (yuk) http://www.bada-uk.org/ticks You always think that if you pick up one it will be on your lower leg but not necessarily. Horrible things.
Yes thanks Eccles. I am aware of Lyme Disease though and will keep an eye out. I remember being in a disused whaling station in SW Australia and a mozzie landed on my friend's leg. When she swatted it, a splash of blood was left on her leg (probably someone else's blood as it had only just landed on her). My tick wasn't yet engorged so it hadn't been there very long. I think I know where I got it though.
mate of mine had to get out of rural China in August as it wasn't deworming time.....that was November. He was losing 10 pounds a week and the Matilda Hossie in HK (where he ended up) removed a 12 foot tapeworm from his gut......
yuck, i had one on my back last year. For a bit i thought it was sme horrible cancerous wart as i couldnt see it properly thenmy husband looked at it and remved it for me. errggh errgghh errgghh
Bednobs - I wish! but no. I was home in Devon last weekend and walked through a field of sheep with my friend and her dogs. Personally, I think one of the dogs brought it home on their coat and I caught it from there.